Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tau Talks- Spring 2008

Tau Talks.
Spring 2008

In This Issue:

  • Upcoming Events
  • New Members
  • To Cali and Back
  • Quick Notes

Please Welcome Our Newest Members!

            Tau 1715: Gordan Shirts
            Tau 1716: Brad Lynch
            Tau 1717: Chris Turnball

To Cali and Back:
Four members forge ties with chapters along the Pacific Coast.

This year, our spring break happened to be one week earlier than that of most schools.  Rather than doing the stereotypical spring break thing and hitting up the wildest party spots known to man kind, four of our members decided to go on a road trip.  These brave travelers were: Bryan Ernsdorff (Tau 1705), Patrick Huckbody (Tau 1708), Andrew “Rusty” Thomas (Tau 1709), and Jeff Wilcox (Tau 1710).  Their journey would span across three states, countless counties, and three Lambda Chi Alpha chapters.
Their first stop was, naturally, the University of Oregon.  There they discovered that not all the pictures posted in the current edition of The Paedogogus were totally updated: the U of O “Lambdas” had moved several years earlier into a different house on campus.  Nevertheless the house was found and new friends were made.
After staying the next two nights in San Francisco, the Tau Zeta boys continued south to the University of Southern California.  The Lambda Chi Alpha house was quickly found, and the group shared their stories of their trip thus far with the Lambdas of USC.
Two days later, the members stopped by San Louis Obispo to visit with our brothers at Cal Poly.  It was another smashing good time for the Wazzu fellows, and they left the next day for Oregon State University.  However, the four travelers had enjoyed the hospitality of the U of O Lambdas that they decided to visit them once again. In fact, our ambassadors did such a good job of winning friendships at Oregon that several members of the Oregon chapter promised to visit Pullman sometime later that year.

Quick Notes:

Inspections Passed
This semester, Tau Zeta passed both health inspection and fire inspection.  We would like to thank our new Tolo President, Jim King, for helping us obtain our new fire doors so that we could pass inspection.

Mom’s Weekend
This year’s Mom’s Weekend was a big success for the chapter. We held a breakfast and auction that Saturday morning which brought us over $1000.  What to do with the money is still being debated by the members; suggestions have ranged from recruiting tools such as fixing the fire truck and purchasing recruitment tee shirts to a multitude of other things.


Andrew "Rusty" Thomas
High Rho
Tau 1709

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