Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tau Talks- Jan. 2009

Tau Talks
January 2009

In This Issue:

  • Meet the new High Rho
  • Meet the new High Alpha
  • Humane Society Event
  • Centennial Conclave
  • Spring Recruitment Results
  • Officer Contact Information

New High Rho

I am writing to you as your new High Rho, my name is Maclaen Tamminen and I am a freshman from Bellevue, WA. I am majoring in Business Administration with a focus on Management. I look forward to extending the alumni relations and strengthening the ties between the undergraduate members and our alumni. I feel very strongly in an involved alumni base in our chapter and look forward to bridging the gap. We are currently in a very important time period for our chapter and alumni support is very important to us. I am very excited to hold this position and look forward to growing our connections.


Tau 1722

Message From our New High Alpha
On behalf of all the active members of the Tau Zeta Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha, I would like to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year. Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits, but that is exactly the opposite of what we are trying to do. Our house is moving in an awesome direction and none of us want anything to get in our way. Whether it is in recruitment, campus involvement, or just the fact that we are once again being considered a serious contender among fraternities, things are going extremely well. It is looking like we are going to have fifty active members by the end of the semester, which will put us in an awesome position to keep moving forward. I cannot emphasize enough how much we appreciate your alumni support. You are the foundation upon which our fraternity runs and without you, our ultimate success is doomed. Please be looking forward to future “Tau Talks,” because a lot of new and important information will be coming out. Also, feel free to contact me for anything. Even if it is just to see how things are going. I am here to serve you.
Tau 1711                                                                                           

Humane Society Event
Whitman county humane society is trying to raise enough money to build a new facility to house their animals. The main event will take place on Saturday February 7th, 2009 from 5:30-9:30pm at the Schweitzer Event Center.  We helped them with their first running of the FurBall last year and it was a great success. We also helped with the groundbreaking last semester. Our fraternity as well as other organizations helped them to raise over $20,000 last year.  The current state of their shelter is very poor and all of this money is going to help them to build their new facility.   We’re helping with donations as well as the actual event.  Our guys will be greeting people and helping at the event as well as being spotters and runners for the live auction.  We also have all of the sororities helping by donating baskets for the silent auction, which are always a big hit. There are a lot of important people from around the Pullman community including the mayor that will be attending this event. This is a great opportunity for us to give back to the community and we are looking forward to it.

Centennial Conclave

Tau Zeta is sending five of our members to Oregon State University for the Northwest Centennial Conclave February 20-21. Some of the sessions include developing leadership skills, dealing with destructive alcohol related behavior, and building a stronger Greek community.  This is in addition to the normal programming on ritualism, recruitment, retention and alumni affairs.  They have collected national authorities in key fields to be the keynote presenters including, Grand High Beta, Drew Hunter (President/CEO of BACCHUS), Dr. Scott Reikofski, Director of Greek Life at University of Pennsylvania (one of Lambda Chi Alpha's foremost Ritual Guru's), and many more. They have also planned an exhibition on Theta Kappa Nu ritual. This is always a good time and we are looking forward to learning new ways to improve our chapter.

2009 Spring Recruitment Results

We had a very successful Spring Recruitment this year by signing five new quality guys. We currently have 42 active members and have conservative plans on having 50 very soon. This is a strong focus because of new recruitment rules for next fall. As of fall 2009 we can’t have freshmen move into the house unless they summer sign. This creates a problem for numbers in the house. To avert problems that could come from this our Recruitment Chair Joey Pettersson is working feverishly with support from the chapter at large. 


Maclaen Tamminen
Alumni Correspondent 
Tau 1722

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