Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tau Talks- March 2010

A sense of enthusiasm has been building throughout Lambda Chi. In the last few years strides have been made to improve the house’s numbers, gain a better reputation throughout the entire Greek and WSU community and continue to enhance the quality of every Lambda Chi’s experience. Now more than ever those strides are paying off. These recent strides include winning Greek Week, throwing a successful philanthropy, bringing in new members to Lambda Chi, and fixing up the historic fire truck. Lambda Chi’s are proud of the efforts of current members, and the work of previous Lambda Chi’s to bring them to this current state. We are enjoying the present but we are also looking forward. Like our symbol the crescent, Lambda Chi is ever-growing—attempts are always being made to make Lambda Chi the best that it can be.

Greek Week Success
Last week the Greek Week team of Lambda Chi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Tau Kappa Epsilon won Greek Week. This was a huge accomplishment for Lambda Chi. Throughout the week our team competed against other teams of fraternities and sororities in the Greek community for the title of winner of Greek Week. The competitions consisted of a lip sync, chant, toy drive, penny war collection, basketball and volleyball tournament, house decorations, support of local vendors, and wearing certain items of clothing on specific days.
This victory means so much to Lambda Chi. It brings forth a strong statement of confidence for Lambda Chi’s. Not only does it boost our reputation in the Greek community but it also brought us closer to the Theta and TKE members we worked with. From the competition, the Greek community raised a total $16,000. Half of that money goes to the Greek Week philanthropy, the other $8,000 goes to the winning teams’ philanthropies. The $8,000 is split between Lambda Chi, Thetas, and TKE’s, which means that we will have $2,666 for our philanthropy next year.

Fur Ball, Philanthropy Award
Last month, Lambda Chi participated in its annual philanthropy, Fur Ball. Fur Ball is a collective effort to raise money for the Whitman County Humane Society. Every Lambda Chi helps out at the Fur Ball banquet and auction. During the dinner, Pullman residents bid on items donated from various sources. All proceeds go to the Humane Society.
The week leading up to the Fur Ball dinner, Lambda Chi hosted Greek philanthropy events to educate fraternities and sororities about the Humane Society, raise money, and have fun. Lambda Chi’s were also present on campus all throughout Fur Ball Week with a booth to raise money for the Humane Society. In order to catch the attention of students, we had puppies from the Humane Society to show off. Between the Fur Ball dinner, auction, Greek events, and the booth Lambda Chi’s helped raise around $31,000 for the Whitman County Humane Society.
Lambda Chi was also presented with an award for our philanthropic efforts each year during Fur Ball. The Philanthropy and Community Service Award recognizes us for having the top philanthropy in the region that covers Lambda Chi chapters in the Pacific Northwest, Canada, Northern California and Nevada. The award was presented to us last month at Conclave, a meeting of all the regional Lambda Chi’s. We are very honored for this recognition. 

Fire Up the Engine
Currently Lambda Chi has raised $3,500 for the Fire up the Engine campaign. The campaign is aimed to raise the necessary funds to restore the historic Lambda Chi fire truck. We have been greatly impressed by the generosity of alumni and friends who have donated to the campaign. Our goal for the Fire up the Engine campaign is $4,000 however we would be willing to accept more. The more money we raise, the more resources we could put toward the fire truck. For example, we would like to get the fire truck sand blasted, primed, and repainted; however more funds would be needed in order to do that.
If you would be interested in donating toward the campaign visit our web site and click on the donate button. From there you can make a donation from Lambda Chi’s pay pal page. The top ten donors will have their names and taus engraved on a plaque that will be sealed on the fire truck. Also, donors who give more than $100 will have a Cougar banner mailed to them.
The support so far has been impressive to say the least. It has been very exciting to see alumni and friends rally behind a common cause. We believe the repaired fire truck will open up several opportunities for our house. First off it will be a great recruiting tool. We plan to bring the fire truck on campus to attract potential new members. Second, we believe it will continue to boost Lambda Chi’s reputation. Finally, the fire truck has the potential to reunite alumni with current members. Imagine coming back for the alumni BBQ at Lambda Chi during homecoming week and being able to ride on the fire truck. This is excellent incentive for alumni to come back to their old house.

New Chef
Two weeks ago, Lambda Chi acquired a new chef for their house. Mike … is confident in his new position. Already, he has received great feedback from current members who enjoy his hearty and healthy meals. Previously Lambda Chi employed a catering company. As Lambda Chi’s personal chef, Mike plans to make Lambda Chi’s meals with a higher degree of quality and care. We are very happy with the food he has prepared so far.

Intramural Sports
Lambda Chi’s intramural football and basketball teams finished their seasons strong. The basketball team made their way to the semi-finals before losing and the football team made it to the championship game. Intramural sports are important because they keep Lambda Chi’s active while at the same time promote qualities such as teamwork and sportsmanship.

Tolo Club Meeting 
There will be a TOLO Club meeting on Saturday, March 20 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Embassy Suites in Tukwila. This meeting is open to all current and former members of Lambda Chi Alpha. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP Jim King at (206) 730-6266 or e-mail him at

Final Word
Earlier today, we were contacted by the Cross and Crescent, the official Lambda Chi Alpha magazine. According to Lambda Chi Alpha national headquarters, they had heard about our success in Greek Week, the fire truck renovations, and our Fur Ball philanthropy and wanted to write a story about us. We will keep you updated if the Cross and Crescent publishes a story on our chapter.
As Lambda Chi continues to grow, current members realize the importance of having a broad support of alumni. Without alumni this growth is not possible. We have seen the benefits of our strong alumni support just in the past month with the Fire up the Engine campaign and are very thankful. Alumni have told me numerous times, “once a Lambda Chi, always a Lambda Chi.” Current members wear their Lambda Chi letters with pride, and alumni enjoy their memories of when they were members. Through the bond of Lambda Chi we can continue to develop.

Andrew Talevich
Alumni Correspondent
Tau 1731

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